Landlords will also use their cars in the Property Business. Where they do so, they can claim a deduction for the costs that they incur.
Using Mileage Rates
Where a landlord uses their car for business purposes. The easiest way to work out the amount that has been deducted is to make use of the simplified expenses system. To assert a discount dependent on the company mileage incurred.
Which uses the applicable mileage levels. For cars (and also vans) the rate is set at 45p per mile for the first 10,000 business miles in the tax year. Thus, at 25p per mile for any then business mileage.
Karen is an unincorporated landlord and has three properties that she lets out. During the tax year, she undertakes 712 business miles in her car in respect of her property business. She claims a deduction of 45p per mile, a total deduction for the year of £320.40.
Deduction Based on Actual Costs
The use of expenditures, though usually easier from an administrative point of view, is not necessary. The landlord can instead claim a deduction based on the actual costs. In practice, this will be time-consuming. Further, where the car is used for both business and private travel.
A deduction is only permitted for the business element. Separating actual costs between business and private travel. That can be very time-consuming and will only be worthwhile. Where it gives rise to a higher deduction than that obtained by using the mileage rates.
Capital Allowances
Capital allowances cannot be claimed where mileage allowances are claimed. Where a deduction is based on actual costs, capital allowances can be claimed in respect of the car.
The claim must be adjusted to reflect any private use. So, for example, if a car is used for the property business 20% of the time and for private use 80% of the claim. Any capital allowance claim must be restricted to 20%.
Other Travel
The costs of travel on public transport or by taxi can be deducted in computing the profits of the property rental business to the extent that it is business travel for that business.
Extra note: ITTOIA 2005, s. 94D