Client Management

Happy with your setup? Let us manage your client. We’ll act as your back office

Client Management Only

If you feel motivated enough to run the front-end operations, we’ll be happy to work as an extension of your front office. Our team will act as a back office for you and will be happy to assist you with the client’s management. Whether you want us to fully manage your client, from requesting information to preparation & filing of account, our team of qualified accountants will be happy to assist. 

Who is it for?

Client Management​
Client Management​

How much do you charge?

We either charge a fixed fee or a percentage of your revenues. All these things will be discussed with you at the first meeting. 

Who will own the clients?

Of course you, Your clients are your clients and they will remain yours. We’ll only act as an operational unit for you. If you ever plan to sell your firm, we’ll be happy to have a talk. 

Do you offer white labelling?

Yes, we do. If you want to keep your name brand, we will simply provide services under your name. Get in touch with us, and one of our experts will be happy to assist you. 


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