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If I have missed some income off my tax return. what should I do?

< 1 min read

I’ve just realised I missed £280 of income off my tax return for 2008/09, which I submitted online in January 2010. What should I do?

Although this is a relatively small amount you should correct your tax return for 2008/09. However, before you do so double check that you have also included all the expenses and deductions for that tax year, as it looks bad to the Taxman if you correct your return, or ‘amend’ it in tax-speak, more than once. As you filed your return online you can also amend it online, just log into the self-assessment online area of the HMRC website and pick your 2008/09 return to amend. You have until 31 January 2011 to do this. You may have some more tax to pay for 2008/09 if your extra £280 of income is not covered by losses, allowances, or expenses. You should pay the extra tax due as soon as possible as interest will be charged from 31 January 2010.

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