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Will I have to charge VAT on Bakery items?

< 1 min read

My bakery shop is VAT registered, but I don’t add VAT to the bread and cakes I sell. I’m going to start selling take-away filled rolls, fizzy drinks and hot pies. Will I have to charge VAT on these items?


Most food is zero rated for VAT, which for a VAT registered business such as yours, means you add no VAT to your bakery products but you can reclaim VAT on your business purchases. However, once food is supplied in the course of catering, or as hot food to eat straight away, the standard rate of VAT (20%) may apply. The rules of what must be standard rated and what should be zero rated are quite complicated, and are set out in detail in the VAT notice 701/14: Food. We can advise on what products you should apply standard rate VAT to.

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