What are the Grants for Disabled People in the UK?

If you are disabled and looking for financial support, then here is a list of state grants for disabled people in the UK.

Living with disabilities is challenging, as you may face difficulties in performing day-to-day activities. You might be suffering from a chronic disease that does not allow you to get a job to pay for your needs. That is why the UK government offers many state grants for disabled people.

Join us as we explore some of the major supports provided by the government to its citizens. We will explore each grant in detail, from the eligibility criteria to how much you will be paid. Read till the end to find the grant that suits you the best. Let’s begin!

7 State Grants for Disabled People

If you are disabled and unable to bear the burden of your finances, the government has your back. You will be surprised to learn that there are multiple schemes that you can become a part of. These financial supports will allow you to live a better life with a consistent stream of income.

1. Universal Credit

The most famous grant is the Universal Credit. It is provided to low-income households that need help with living costs. It does not matter whether you have a job or not; if you have less than £16,000 in money, savings, and investments, you are eligible.

In addition, you must be living in the UK, be 18 or over, and be under the pension age. The allowance paid to singles is £292.11 for those under 25 years of age and £368.74 for older people.

If you have a partner and both of you are under 25, you will be provided a collective sum of £458.5. But if a partner is over 25 years of age, the amount will sum up to £578.82.

2. Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

Unlike the previous grant, which was universal, ESA is among the top grants for disabled people. To be eligible for ESA, you must be under the pension age and have a disability or a health condition that affects your working hours.

In addition, you must have worked in the past and paid sufficient National Insurance Contributions. This grant can be claimed in addition to the Universal Credit scheme. Under ESA, you could get up to £129.50 a week, but it depends on your condition and several other factors.

3. Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

If your disability does not allow you to perform certain everyday tasks, you might be eligible for PIP. To avail of this support scheme, you must have a long-term mental or physical disability.

This grant is also provided to people who are working and have savings. The payment is categorised into two parts: daily living and mobility. For the former, the lower rate is £68.10, while the higher rate is £101.75 per week. But if you also require mobility assistance, you will be given £26.90 for the lower rate and £71.00 per week for the higher rate.

4. Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

DLA is provided to children under the age of 16 who have difficulty walking around or require assistance. In addition, you must not be subject to immigration control and must be a resident of the UK.

That’s not all, the child must have lived in the UK for at least 6 months in the previous year if they are under 3 years of age. There are 3 rates for DLA: lowest, middle, and highest, which pay £26.90, £68.10, and £101.75, respectively.

5. Blind Person’s Allowance

For the blind person’s allowance, you must be registered with your local council as blind or severely sight impaired. In addition, you must also have a certificate that you are blind or sight impaired.

However, if you live in Scotland or Northern Ireland, you must also not be able to perform work for which eyesight is essential. The allowance reported by the HMRC is £2,870 per annum for the current fiscal year.

6. Disabled Facilities Grant

The Disabled Facilities Grant is among the best grants for disabled people. This grant is provided to disabled people who intend to live on the same property for five years. The applicant must be an owner, tenant, or landlord.

In addition, your local council must be satisfied that you require the grant intended for facilities. The amount can vary depending on where you are living and is not available for Scotland.

7. Disabled Students’s Allowance (DSA)

If you are a resident of England and studying, then this is among the best grants for disabled people. DSA is provided to those who have specific learning difficulties, such as ADHD or a physical disability. In addition, you must be an undergraduate or postgraduate, studying a course that lasts at least a year

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A Quick Summary

Let’s have a quick review of all the state grants for disabled people. The first is the universal credit that can be provided to anyone whose income is low. Secondly, the ESA is provided to people who have difficulty with their working time. Next, the PIP is provided to people above the age of 18 and under the pension age, whereas the DLA is given to children under the age of 16.

State grants for disabled people also include the Blind Person’s Allowance provided to visually impaired individuals. A Disabled Facilities Grant is given for construction or other work that facilitates the disabled person. Lastly, the DSA is provided to students who are pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate degrees.

Disclaimer: All the information provided in this article on What are the Grants for Disabled People in the UK? including all the texts and graphics, is general in nature. It does not intend to disregard any of the professional advice.

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