
Year end Accounts

Year end Accounts

Limited company accountants this help-sheet provides you with an overview of the information to provide to us to enable completion of your end of year accounts. Of course, the more you do, the less amount of time we have to spend on the routine compliance aspects of your affairs.

National Insurance

National Insurance – Your Way Around the Maze

All rates in this article are for 2012/13. NIC for Employees For employees, Class1 National Insurance (NI) primary contributions are deducted from their salary each month as part of the PAYE system.


An Introduction to Self-Assessment Tax

Self-assessment began in 1997, with the idea. That taxpayers can complete their own tax returns. The reality has turned out to not be quite so simple.

Budget 2012 Summary

Budget 2012 Summary

The big news for individuals is that the personal allowance will increase to £9,205 from

Tax-Free Benefit

Changes in Motor Vehicle Travel Costs

HM Revenue & Customs now change, on a quarterly basis, the rates at which business mileage allowances may be paid for cars provided by an employer, but where all fuel is paid for by the directors/employees personally. 

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