Is it worth buying a car through a Limited company? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
If the Company Buys:
When purchasing a car through your company, it’s important to understand the tax implications and benefits associated with the vehicle’s CO2 emissions and usage.
On Full Payment
If you buy a new car through your company, it will attract a capital allowance. The amount of capital allowance will depend on the CO2 emissions of the car. If CO2 emissions are 75g/km or less (50g/km from April 2024), then the capital allowance (First Year Allowance FYA) will be 100% of the price of the car.
If COCO emissions are from 76-130g/km, then an 18% written-down allowance (WDA) will be available to claim. But only 8% WDA will be claimable for cars with CO2 emissions above 130g/km. When you buy a car for business use (100%), then you can claim 100% of the VAT paid on that car.
If the car has private use, then VAT cannot be recovered, and the car will be called “VAT blocked.” For example, if your company buys an Audi A4 Saloon 2.0 Petrol for £34,000, with CO2 emissions of 134g/km, you can claim WDA = £34,000 × 8% = £2,720
The WDA of £2,720 will save a corporation tax of £517.60 for your company at the rate of 20% (2024-25). The recovered amount of input VAT will be £6,800 (£34,000 × 20%) assuming 100% business use.
On Leased
There are two types of limited company car lease agreements available i.e., finance lease and operating lease. Both have different tax implications. Details are below:
Operating Lease:
Under an operating lease, your company (the lessee) simply pays lease payments and either extends the lease or returns the car at the end of the contract term. The car dealer (lessor) retains ownership of the car throughout and assumes the “risks and rewards” of ownership.
For a lease on a car to be treated as an operating lease, there must be no option to purchase the car at the end of the lease, with the car being returned to the car dealer. Your company can claim corporation tax relief on the full amount of lease payment or personal contract purchase tax relief.
On an operating lease, the car doesn’t qualify for any kind of capital allowance. If the CO2 emissions of the leased car are more than 130g/km, then 15% of the lease payment will be a disallowed expense for the company.
Hypothetically, if you buy a car through a lease for use in business (100%), then you can claim 50% of VAT paid on that car. If the car has private use, then VAT on company cars cannot be recovered, and the car will be called “VAT blocked.” Most company cars are VAT-blocked.
For example, your company buys the above car through an operating lease agreement, and the lease payment per month is £550. The allowed expense for your company will be £550, which will save an annual corporation tax of £1,050.60 (£550 × 12 × 20% × 85%). The amount of VAT recovered will be £660 per year (£550 × 12 × 20% × 50%) assuming 100% business use.
Finance Lease:
With a finance lease, your company (lessee) also pays lease payments, and the car dealer (lessor) still legally owns the asset. However, the substance of this type of agreement is different.
A finance lease is effectively a loan to purchase an asset, where the loan secures the asset. The lessee has the “risks and rewards” of ownership and “in substance” owns the asset.
Many cars bought under a hire purchase contract fall under the category of a finance lease as legal ownership of the car may transfer to the lessee at the end of the self-employed car lease, or there may be an option of a final “balloon” payment to purchase the car at that time.
Generally, the legal owner of an asset has the right to claim capital allowances, but, in this case, the lessee may treat the car as a capital purchase and claim the allowances on the cost of the car, subject to a business use element.
The lease payments that the lessee makes contain a capital element and an interest/finance charge element. Only the capital element is eligible for capital allowances and is written down at the relevant rate. The interest element is not eligible for capital allowances but will instead be claimed as part of your general motor expenses.
For example, your company buys the same car through a finance lease agreement. It can claim capital allowance as per the WDA rate, i.e., 8% for 2024-25 for cars with CO2 emissions over 130g/km. The allowed expense for your company will be £2,720, which will save an annual corporation tax of £544 (£34,000 × 8% × 20%) assuming 100% business use.
Now Personal Side
The above calculation relates to company taxation. You, being the beneficiary of the company car, will be taxed for the car benefit. If you use the car only for business purposes and not for private use, then you won’t have to pay any tax. The car benefit for private use is a “benefit in kind” (BIK).
The HMRC definition for private use is:
“Private use includes employees’ journeys between home and work unless they’re travelling to a temporary place of work.”
How much tax you will be charged depends on the list price of the car. The list price is the price of the car when it was new; therefore, it is irrelevant how much you paid for that car.
In the case of a second-hand car, the list price of the car used for the calculation of tax is the price of that car when it was new. The second factor on which tax calculation is based is the CO2 emissions of the car.
The lower the CO2 emissions, the lower the percentage, and vice versa. Using the above example, your BIK for the tax year 2024-25 is £3,400 (£34,000 × 25% × 40%). Assuming your tax rate is 40%.
If the company pays for the fuel you use for that car, then your company can claim back the VAT it pays for the fuel as long as there has been no private use of the car.
However, if there has been any private use, you may only recover the business element of the total input VAT you pay. The company can treat the fuel as an allowed expense for corporation tax purposes.
But you will be taxed for the fuel benefit that your company provides you. The calculation for fuel benefit will be by using the car percentage as per CO2 emissions of the car and fuel multiplier.
For the above car, the car fuel benefit is £2,750 (£27,500 × 25% × 40%). Even allowing for claiming the VAT back, unless you’re doing a lot of miles, it’s likely the personal tax bill will be greater than the company tax saving.
If You Buy Yourself:
If you buy the car yourself and use it for business purposes, then you can charge your company a mileage allowance, and the company can treat the mileage allowance as an allowed expense for corporation tax calculation.
Buying a vehicle yourself is a tax benefit in most cases as it attracts a mileage allowance, which is tax-free for your tax and an allowed expense for your company.
However, in the case of the electric vehicle, the situation may be reversed because the BIK rate is only 7%, and there is no fuel benefit. For example, you buy an electric car through your company for £65,000.
A 100% first-year allowance will be available to your company, which will save corporation tax of £12,400 (£65,000 × 20%). There is no fuel benefit charge for your tax, and the BIK will be £1,820 (£65,000 × 7% × 40%). So, an electric car would have tax benefits if purchased through your company.
HMRC tax relaxation for lower CO2 emission cars is to promote environment-friendly vehicles and save the environment.